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Materi "Procedure Text : Recipe" Kelas 9


Hello students, how are you today? Masih semangat tentunya untuk mengikuti pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris ya. Dalam kegiatan sehari-hari kalian pasti sudah sering melakukan sesuatu yang membutuhkan adanya serangkaian langkah-langkah yang teratur supaya tujuan bisa tercapai. Contohnya, ketika menyalakan laptop, membuat makanan, membersihkan lemari es, dsb. 

Nah, untuk materi pembelajaran kali ini kalian akan mempelajari Procedure Text, yaitu sebuah text yang berfungsi untuk memberikan instruksi bagaimana melakukan atau membuat sesuatu melalui rangkaian langkah-langkah yang urut.

Selamat mengikuti pembelajaran……


A. Verb 1, (please)!

Contoh : Pour hot water into a glass, please! (Tuang air panas ke dalam gelas!)

  Cut the carrot into small cubes, please! (Potong wortel menjadi kotak-kotak kecil!)

B. Be + adjective. (please)!

Contoh  : Be polite, please! (Sopanlah!)

   Be honest, please! ( Jujurlah!)


A. Don’t + verb 1, (please)!

Contoh  : Don’t pour hot water into a glass! (Jangan tuang air panas ke dalam gelas!)

   Don’t cut the carrot into small cubes! (Jangan potong wortel menjadi kotak-kotak 


B. Don’t + be + adjective, (please)!

Contoh  : Don’t be naughty! (Jangan nakal!)

   Don’t be careless! (Jangan ceroboh!)

Latihan 1:

Match the words in column A with the suitable meaning in column B!

Jawaban :
1. 1 – b 5.   5 - f
2. 2 – d 6.   6 - a
3. 3 – e 7.   7 - c
4. 4 – g 
Latihan 2 :
Arrange the words into good sentences!
1. it – stir – well – finally - ,
2. two – into – teaspoon full of – put – the cup – coffee
3. the cup – water – into – hot – pour – some 
4. a – prepare – cup – first - ,
5. a – into – add – the cup – teaspoon full of – sugar 
Jawaban :
1. Finally, stir it well.
2. Put two teaspoon full of coffee into the cup.
3. Pour some hot water into the cup.
4. First, prepare a cup.
5. Add a teaspoon full of sugar into the cup.

Latihan 3 :
Arrange the sentences into a good text!
1. Finally, stir it well.
2. Put two teaspoon full of coffee into the cup.
3. Pour some hot water into the cup.
4. First, prepare a cup.
5. Add a teaspoon full of sugar into the cup.
Jawaban :
1. First, prepare a cup.
2. Put two teaspoon full of coffee into the cup.
3. Add a teaspoon full of sugar into the cup.
4. Pour some hot water into the cup.
5. Finally, stir it well.

Latihan 4 :

Answer these questions according to the text below!

1. What is the function of the text?

2. What is the purpose of the text?

3. What are the materials or tools that you need to make a cup of coffee?

4. What are the ingredients that you need to make a cup of coffee?

5. How many steps are there?

6. What is the last step?

7. What should you do after pouring some hot water?

8. What should you do before putting two teaspoon full of coffee?

9. What should you do if the taste of the coffee is still biter?

10. Mention at least two imperative sentences in the text above!

Jawaban :

1. To give instruction how to make something in sequence steps.

2. How to make a cup of coffee. 

3. The materials are a cup and a teaspoon.

4. The ingredients are 2 teaspoon full of coffee, a teaspoon full of sugar, and hot water.

5. There are 5 steps.

6. Finally, stir it well.

7. Finally, stir it well.

8. First, prepare a cup.

9. We can add sugar.

10. -  Put two teaspoon full of coffee into the cup.

- Add a teaspoon full of sugar into the cup.

- The Social Function is to give instruction how to make or do something in sequence steps.
- The Generic Structure :
      1. Aim / Goal, biasanya berupa judul atau deskripsi apa yang akan dibuat atau dilakukan.
      2. Materials/tools/ingredients, berupa daftar bahan dan alat.
      3. Steps, berisi serangkaian langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan dengan cara berurutan.

Contoh :

Ok, anak-anak, demikian materi dan beberapa contoh soal tentang "Procedure Text", jika masih ada yang bingung atau ada pertanyaan, silahkan tanyakan ke Bapak/Ibu guru kalian ya, Terima kasih

Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

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